The return of in person conferences!

After more than two years with conference travel halted due to COVID-19, lab members have finally had the opportunity to attend in person conferences.
Two years is a long time in the course of a four-year PhD, so it’s been really great to see everyone get the chance to visit new places, present their work, and chat to other scientists.
Although I’m delighted that in person conferences have returned, I’m also really glad that hybrid conferences seem to be sticking. Cosmin and I recently attended #CRISPR22 in person at the Wellcome Genome Campus in Hinxton while other lab members were able to attend online. Aside from the financial and environmental advantages resulting from virtual attendance this also means that visa applications are not required for every conference.
Things kicked off gently in June with a day trip to the University of Limerick for VIBE 2022 (the Virtual Institute of Bioinformatics and Evolution All-Ireland Conference) where Cosmin, Anjan and Swathi all gave talks.
Anjan presented at the British Society for Proteome Research Annual Conference 2022 in Oxford in July.
Swathi presented at the 2022 International Mass Spectrometry Conference in Maastricht in August.
Cosmin presented at CRISPR and Beyond: Perturbations at Scale to Understand Genomes at the Wellcome Genome Campus in Hinxton in September.
Thomas presented at the President’s Symposium for the best abstracts at the Haematology Association of Ireland Annual Conference in Cork in October.
Narod is part of the organising committee for the Irish Computational Biology and Genomics Symposium which takes place in person in Galway in December. There’s still a chance to register if you want to attend!